Meet the team

Elisabet Cervera

Elisabet Cervera

Operative group: Library for Learning. Librarian for Law and Political Science

Work fields:

How can Elisabet Cervera help you?

She is the reference librarian for Faculty of Law and Political Science and for the doctoral programme. She provides support to faculty members in choosing and managing the learning resources. In the course of her daily work, she attends to their queries, doubts and problems and proposes material that may be useful for their courses.

She also coordinates management of the external learning resources. In other words, content such as journal articles, book chapters or legal texts that do not belong to the UOC and need the legal authorization of the owner of the intellectual property rights.

Like her other colleagues at the Library, she attends to the queries received by The Library Replies service and prepares dossiers with useful resources to help you develop a particular argument.

Education and professional career

She has an official diplomatura degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Barcelona (UB), and she complements this qualification with continuing training related with open access, video editing techniques and user training.

She started her career in university libraries; later on, she specialized in processing and digitization for a document services company.

She continued her career in the UOC Library, where she coordinated the bibliographic cataloguing team until she became subject librarian.

Personal interests

Radio and television, listening to music while I drive, taking pictures of everything, making sweets for my family and friends. I also like animals and I have two cats, Greta and Bowie.